Every time I open a website with VS 11, the "Target Framework" is reset to version 4.0, even if I changed it to 4.5.
Is this a known bug?
modifying the sln file that he allowed
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1414233/More articles:How to define criteria for ranking algorithm - pythonClass variable read-only class - c ++How does a gasket work in a structure? - cHow to set the filter filter by default? - filterHow to call .NET dll from Java - javaFB Graph Error: "(# 100) The user must be in the white list" - apiSending serial data via Arduino USB port - arduinoWhere does the sim save files (Xcode does not update files)? - iosHow to use ICanHaz for JavaScript mustache template engine? - template-engineJava generation generates an error using the - javaAll Articles