FB Graph Error: "(# 100) User must be whitelisted"

I'm calling

https://graph.facebook.com/{the id of one of my app actions} 

and receiving the following response body:

 { "error": { "message": "(#100) User must be on whitelist", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 100 } } 

I am the administrator of this application. Does anyone know what this error means?

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3 answers

I got this error today, and the problem is that some of the fields were missing . So do check your URL where you submit the request.

As in my case, I had to make a request


Instead, I made a request


This should fix your problem, like mine: D


I also had this problem, and while I'm not sure what I did to fix it, I think that it associated the action with the objet object (the "Type of connected object" form field).


Personally, this problem occurred while requesting the endpoint insights :


Finally, find out that the impressions_dummy field was causing the problem, so by removing it from the request, the problem was resolved.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1414234/

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