I am using an Arduino-compatible board with a USB host screen to send and receive serial data through a USB port.
Note for all beginners, this nice video explains how to make Arduino serial transfer via USB: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYWCkdrCUKg
The software that I use is Arduino 1.0 on my PC for recording, compiling and downloading firmware to the Arduino board. I can successfully send and receive serial data between Arduino and a PC using the Arduino Serial Monitor software. The Arduino Board LED blinks for each byte sent to the PC. So far so good.
My problem arises when I disconnect the Arduino USB cable from the PC and connect to my own USB device - FTDI-compatible USB slave.
(My Arduino board now has an external power supply to provide USB power. The firmware is flashing with a Digital Pin 13 LED, so I know that the firmware is working. I checked USB pin 1 on the slave, so I know that it gets 5V.)
But now, when the same firmware tries to send some bytes to my USB device, the TX indicator will not blink and nothing will be transmitted. I think that maybe USB + data and data lines might have to be swapped, but I don't know. Can anyone offer any advice?
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