I have these two date time variables in javascript:
first_date = Date.parse('05/21/2012 0:00:00 '); second_date = Date.today();
If I use ( http://code.google.com/p/datejs/wiki/APIDocumentation#compareTo )
return first_date.compareTo(second_date)
an exception occurs:
Object function Date() { [native code] } has no method 'compareTo' in Google Chrome.
Object function Date() { [native code] } has no method 'compareTo'
I am using the latest version of Date.js from http://www.datejs.com/
How to solve this problem?
I mentioned that other functions (add (-5) .days (), today (), etc.) work fine.
PS: I looked here ( http://code.google.com/p/datejs/issues/detail?id=129 ), but not a workaround.
first_date and second_date are strings according to your code, and Date.compare doesn't even exist unless you use the svn-trunk version .
datejs defines Date.prototype.compareTo , so you can only use date_obj_a.compareTo(...) .
first_date = Date.parse('05/21/2012 0:00:00 '); second_date = Date.today(); console.log(first_date.compareTo(second_date)); // just working fine
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