The "Download PDF files and arbitrary files" field seems to indicate downloading any non-native google file types, but I can not find more information about this. I can use the API document document entry of the API document to get a download link that usually works, but I recently encountered some unexpected authentication errors when trying to download, which led me to discover this additional manifest of the oauth scope application.
Certain areas are described here and another list (which skips the download area). What is this area and where can I find more information about it?
I use various google data APIs in the context of the Google engine, and this is an instance manifest of an application engine that declares its required areas. Since different area lists are documented differently depending on the contexts in which the google data APIs are used, and I mean the documentation for the application manifest for the application engine, I include the application engine tag.
The area is additionally indicated (at the URL - ) in this documentation , and appears to be required in order to cover all potential download sources.
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