Eclipse makefile build is slow ... What gives?

We are greedy fans of Eclipse - it's fantastic! But we have about 40 C ++ projects (and growing ones), and building all these projects when all the projects are relevant takes about half a minute (total). If I just created a bash script that executed "make all" for all 40 projects, it would have completed in less than a second.

It seems that Eclipse wants to run a test for the right tools every time by doing:

g++ -E -P -v -dD /myfolder/.metada/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.make.core/specs.cpp 

where specs.cpp is an empty file. This step seems to take up most of the build time.

Any insight from anyone? Any way to tell Eclipse to trust tools?

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1 answer

I suggest you experiment with the C # + C ++ Build Discovery pages of your project properties. The first thing I'll try is to disable the Enable the command to generate scanner information option.

Discovery options



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