Check if Apple has returned a non-renewable subscription?

I am going to enable a subscription subscription app in my iOS app. By what I read, I need to use a non-renewable type of subscription (not automatically renewable). Some customers trick the system into receiving a refund from Apple, but they can still use their application. Since a non-renewable subscription must be processed by an external server (by us), we obviously register a purchase, receipt, etc. Is there a way to check receipts to determine if my subscription is really saved? I'm not sure if checking for a non-renewable type of subscription simply checks if the receipt is valid or if the subscription remains valid.

For example, you make a purchase, confirmation is confirmed. If you cancel your Apple purchase using an iTunes complaint, and Apple will give you a refund if I later confirm that the receipt will be returned void again? I wonder if we should create a frequent verification procedure that could catch any season tickets that were returned. We have several terms that will take two years, so it is important to check them according to the established schedule. Initially, we planned to use automatic renewable subscriptions, if this scenario exists, since it allows you to determine whether the subscription is updated, but now, to study the synchronization subscription, you need a non-renewable type of subscription.


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1 answer

See this question on refunds .

Apple does not provide you with a way to determine if a transaction has been returned. Since refunds are not officially supported, they expect you to continue delivering the goods to the return user.



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