Centering a map around multiple points (annotations) on a map - Titanium mobile

I have a few annotations on the map - although the user may need to scroll to see them. I want the user to be able to select a button to fit all of these on the map - eliminating the need to scroll / change manually.

I determined the min. and max. latitudes and longitudes (e.g. minLat, maxLat, minLong, maxLong) for the points I want to show on the map.

I struggle, however, with the specific formula used to get the longitude and latitude properties for going to mapview.setLocation. Any pointers to which formula can I use?

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1 answer

I made a function for the same requirement. You can check and let me know if this gives some error:

function setMarkersWithCenter(map,latiarray,longiarray) { if(latiarray.length != longiarray.length) return; var total_locations = latiarray.length; var minLongi = null, minLati = null, maxLongi = null, maxLati = null; var totalLongi = 0.0, totalLati = 0.0; for(var i = 0; i < total_locations; i++) { if(minLati == null || minLati > latiarray[i]) { minLati = latiarray[i]; } if(minLongi == null || minLongi > longiarray[i]) { minLongi = longiarray[i]; } if(maxLati == null || maxLati < latiarray[i]) { maxLati = latiarray[i]; } if(maxLongi == null || maxLongi < longiarray[i]) { maxLongi = longiarray[i]; } } var ltDiff = maxLati-minLati; var lgDiff = maxLongi-minLongi; var delta = ltDiff>lgDiff ? ltDiff : lgDiff; if(total_locations>0 && delta>0) { map.setLocation({ animate : true, latitude:((maxLati+minLati)/2), longitude:((maxLongi+minLongi)/2), latitudeDelta:delta, longitudeDelta:delta, }); } } 

Hope this helps.



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