I am having serious problems with git and I cannot find any solutions on the Internet. I am a new user, so I may be doing something wrong ...
I have a repository hosted on Github and someone from my team just pushed a new commit. Using the Git GUI on Windows, I tried to extract a new post from Github. Git said the fetch was successful, but no changes were found / uploaded.
I tried to create a new remote in Github and used it. (e.g. git @ github.com: MyUserName / MyProject). When retrieving from this remote, Git talks about success and lists each branch as updated. However, none of the branches load. If I run the selection again, the same message will be displayed.
I had the same problem a couple of days ago with the same repository. I “fixed” it by deleting my local repository and cloning the repo from Github. But apparently, this was only a temporary fix, as the problem returned again.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
SOLVED: You were right, I needed to unite after making changes. (Unfortunately, the Git GUI does not allow pulling) I assume that the Git GUI used this automatically, but maybe I accidentally changed the settings at some point. Thanks for all the info!
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