Xcode 4.3.2 Invalid Icon for Retina Screen for iPad

I am trying in vain to add the iPad retina icon to several Xcode 4.3.2 projects.

I correctly resize the image in the external program to 114x144 pixels, and then drag it to the "Deployment Information for iPad" section of the "Summary" window in my project. An error message will appear indicating that the size of the icon is invalid (see Image):

invalid image xcode 4.3.2

The file "/ Users / max / Desktop / General Images / Camera / icns / 114.png" does not match the required size. It should be 144 x 144 pixels in size.

I am absolutely sure that this is the right size, and seeing that I used to just drag and drop, and because it happens in several projects, if this is an error in Xcode?

Please help me solve this problem.

Thanks in advance,

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1 answer

Please ensure that the correct naming convention is followed.

Normal Display-icon.png(57*57)

Retina Display=icon@2x.png (114*114)

I hope this works.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1414803/

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