Using SURF, how to give a result, saying that this is a matching image?

I am doing a project to find out the value of a currency note, and I have to return the value. I used the SURF algorithm to determine the value. There are several templates for currency values, and I compare their templates with currency images that were taken from a mobile camera ..

using SURF, I could match this value, and if the value corresponded to its drawing a rectangle around vale.if the value does not correspond not to draw a rectangle ....

* The problem is how to return the return value. This is enough to show the value on the command line. * Please help me. many thanks..

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1 answer

After calling matchTemplate, you will get the result of the matrix

void matchTemplate(InputArray image, InputArray temp, OutputArray result, int method) 

The result is a matrix that displays the results of the comparison. The method may be CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED.

You can find match rates using the minMaxLoc () function.

You can view the value of compliance as the likelihood that you will find a specific “currency value”. You can also set a threshold value for the corresponding value, so if you do not find any of the patterns that you know, you should get the corresponding outputs below this threshold.



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