I want to return to the Android RTP API presented in version 3.1 (Honeycomb) in earlier versions. I downloaded the source version 4.0 and found that these APIs have both java and native code. To create custom code with the NDK, certain shared libraries are needed.
According to the Android.mk file, these are libnativehelper
, libcutils
, libutils
and libmedia
. Although the source of all of them is present in the source code, creating them was difficult. Each required many other shared libraries. For example, libmedia
requires these shared libraries: libui
, libcutils
, libutils
, libbinder
, libsonivox
, libicuuc
, libexpat
, libcamera_client
, libstagefright_foundation
, libgui
and libdl
So my question is: is there a way to get the original 4 shared libraries? Does this include the creation of an entire source?
source share