I am creating an application that receives status updates from several social networks. I already have Twitter working like a charm. But now that I have to work with the Facebook Graph API, mysterious things appear. Similar to the fact that the message contains a message or history (not both, as far as I know). I could not find the difference between the two.
I thought this was probably due to the type of message, but I did not find out that type links, status, photos and videos can contain either a message or a story. Then there is a swf that I saw only with the message.
Can someone tell me the deal is here? Is the real difference only in that one is a real status update and the other is just βsimilarβ or something like that?
JSON example:
{ "id" : "<<Some ID>>", "from" : { "name" : "<<A Friend>>", "id" : "<<Some ID>>" }, "message" : "Maakt zich op voor ronde twee in de presentatiedienst bij #omropfryslan Zometeen tussen vier en zes live!", "icon" : "https://fbcdn-photos-a.akamaihd.net/photos-ak-snc7/v85006/23/<<Some ID>>/app_2_<<Some ID>>_7567.gif", "actions" : [{ "name" : "Comment", "link" : "https://www.facebook.com/<<Some ID>>/posts/<<Some ID>>" }, { "name" : "Like", "link" : "https://www.facebook.com/<<Some ID>>/posts/<<Some ID>>" }, { "name" : "@<<A Friend>> on Twitter", "link" : "https://twitter.com/<<A Friend>>?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=<<A Friend>>&utm_content=<<Some ID>>" } ], "type" : "status", "application" : { "name" : "Twitter", "namespace" : "twitter", "id" : "<<Some ID>>" }, "created_time" : "2012-05-29T13:51:01+0000", "updated_time" : "2012-05-29T13:51:01+0000", "comments" : { "count" : 0 } },
Above type status and message. Below is the status and history.
{ "id" : "<<Some ID>>", "from" : { "name" : "<<A Friend>>", "id" : "<<Some ID>>" }, "story" : "<<A Friend>> likes a photo.", "story_tags" : { "0" : [{ "id" : <<Some ID>>, "name" : "<<A Friend>>", "offset" : 0, "length" : 14, "type" : "user" } ] }, "type" : "status", "created_time" : "2012-05-29T13:40:42+0000", "updated_time" : "2012-05-29T13:40:42+0000", "comments" : { "count" : 0 } },
Thanks for the answers, and sorry if I will be the captain obvious!