How to use Media Segmenter to split video?

I read a lot of documents still very confused about HTTP Live Streaming .
But I'm still trying to solve .. and I converted my video in .ts format using ffmpeg .

Now I know that I need to split my video and create a playlist using the mediasegmenter .
But I do not know where the mediasegmenter and how to use it to split the video.
I'm very new to this, so sorry for this stupid question ..

Any help would be appreciated. !! Thanks in advance..!!

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2 answers

Here: 35703_streamingtools_beta.dmg or go to and find "HTTP Live Streaming", or download it from . Using:

 mediafilesegmenter -t 10 myvideo-iphone.ts 

This will create one .ts file for every 10 seconds of the video plus a .m3u8 file pointing to all of them.


If you use FFMpeg, it is very easy to split files with it. Do not use Media Segmenter. Just write something like this:

 ffmpeg.exe -i YourFile.mp4 -ss 00:10:00 -t 00:05:00 OutFile.mp4 

where -ss 00:10:00 is the time offset, -t 00:05:00 is the duration of OutFile.mp4. This will create OutFile.mp4 that contains the 5 minute video (-t 00:05:00) YourFile.mp4
(from 00:10:00 to 00:15:00 of YourFile.mp4).

And also you can create a .ASX playlist that is capable of creating streams and is very simple.



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