In general, the notation :start
for a placeholder is neither standard SQL syntax nor Informix (native) syntax. Should you use ?
for the placeholder, thus:
$sql= $conn->prepare('SELECT SKIP ? FIRST 5 TRIM(loc_esi_id) FROM customer t1 JOIN customer_ts_data t2 ON t1.customer_num = t2.customer_num WHERE t1.customer_num = ? AND ');
(and if all this should be on the same line in PHP, I apologize for the accuracy of the mass kill in the interests of readability).
Now there is a possibility that the PDO system will automatically convert the notation :start
to ?
, and in this case we have another problem. But if you are not sure that the :name
notation works, ... One of the reasons why you are not sure that the call to bindValue()
seems to need names rather than the quantity that you might need ?
. bindValue()
your code error checked bindValue()
This ESQL / C code works by creating the expected result.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { $ char *dbase = "stores"; $ int num_skip = 3; $ int num_fetch = 5; if (argc > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [dbase]\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (argc == 2) dbase = argv[1]; exec sql whenever error stop; exec sql connect to :dbase; exec sql prepare p from "select skip ? first ? tabid, tabname from informix.systables"; exec sql declare c cursor for p; exec sql open c using :num_skip, :num_fetch; while (sqlca.sqlcode == 0) { $ int4 tabid; $ varchar tabname[129]; exec sql fetch c into :tabid, :tabname; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) break; printf("%d: %s\n", tabid, tabname); } exec sql close c; exec sql free c; exec sql free p; exec sql disconnect all; return 0; }
4: systabauth 5: syscolauth 6: sysviews 7: sysusers 8: sysdepend
This shows that if the measurement designations are used correctly, you can use the parameters for SKIP and FIRST.
If you cannot find a way to make this work with PDO, you may have received an error. If you can run your code with the environment variable SQLIDEBUG=2:/tmp/your_sub_dir/check
set to some similar value, then you should find a record of what was sent to the server (except for setting up the connection) in a file with the name e.g. /tmp/your_sub_dir/check_21484_0_aedc1e0
, The number pattern is a bit variable. Then you can run the sqliprint
program in the file and see what PDO sends to the server. This will be a very quick way to determine if PDO or Informix contains an error.
For example, part of the result obtained from sqliprint
C->S (20) Time: 2012-05-29 17:55:08.65225 SQ_CONNECT "stores" [6] "stores" [6] C->S (72) Time: 2012-05-29 17:55:08.65239 SQ_PREPARE # values: 2 CMD.....: "select skip ? first ? tabid, tabname from informix.systables" [60] SQ_NDESCRIBE SQ_WANTDONE SQ_EOT
You can see that the SQL statement is sent very clearly. If you do not see ?
placeholders, then there is a problem upstream; either the PDO driver for Informix is ββnot doing its job properly or is being misused. If you saw placeholders ?
, we will have a different set of problems, but I will be surprised if this problem.
The only caveat in the SQLIDEBUG mechanism is that you need to get the environment variable set in the environment of any process connecting to the database. For a stand-alone ESQL / C program, this is trivial. If you go through a web server and PHP, it can be more complicated and more efficient; but it can be done.