Solve the assessment of coplanar points with EmguCV (OpenCV)

I have 4 points on the same plane (the flat square of an object) detected in the camera, and I'm trying to work out the pose of this square relative to the camera.

I am using the latest version of EmguCV ( ), which is the C # wrapper for OpenCV.

I saw POSIT ( ), but this will not work for coplanar points. I was wondering if there is anything that can solve the evaluation of coplanar posture in OpenCV.

I also saw solvePnp which I believe will do what I want, but I cannot find this functionality in EmguCV.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem with EmguCV?

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2 answers

Although SolvePnP is not available in emgu, you can still calculate homography if you have at least 4-point correspondences on the plane (what you have). See the documentation for CameraCalibration.FindHomography if you are unsure. Once you have the homography, you can decompose it into a turn and a translation, and therefore to a camera. Take a look at this article .


Emgu.CV::CameraCalibration.SolvePnP(Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvPoint3D32f [], System.Drawing.PointF [], Emgu.CV.IntrinsicCameraParameters, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.SolvePnpMethod)

Update and install the latest NuGet package.

Evaluates the external parameters of the camera using known internal parameters and external parameters for each view. The coordinates of the points of the 3D object and their corresponding 2D projections must be indicated. This feature also minimizes back projection error.



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