I know how to upload a file using a script action
See download the zip file using HTTP POST through ActionScript 3.0 .
The code is copied here:
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(PUBLISH_ZIP_FILE_URL); // set to method=POST urlRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); params['data[File][title]'] = 'Title1'; params['data[File][description]'] = 'desc'; // this is where we include those non file params and data urlRequest.data = params; // now we upload the file // this is how we set the form field expected for the file upload file.upload(urlRequest, "data[File][filename]");
The web application responsible for accepting the file download will return a JSON string containing data such as file size, ID number, etc.
How do I access this JSON result string in my ActionScript?
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