Possible duplicate:sql 2005 - the column has been specified several times
SELECT TOP(20) * FROM (SELECT * FROM [3D_Benchmarks] JOIN [3D_Slugs] ON [3D_Benchmarks].Id = [3D_Slugs].BenchmarkId) AS tb ORDER BY tb.FPS DESC;
I get this error:
The column 'Id' has been specified several times for 'tb'.
Instead of select * use select table.columnname or tablename.* .
select *
select table.columnname
SELECT * FROM [3D_Benchmarks] JOIN [3D_Slugs] ON [3D_Benchmarks].Id = [3D_Slugs].BenchmarkId) AS tb
3D_Benchmarks has an id column, 3D_Slugs has an id column.
for explanation: [3D_Benchmarks] .id as help, 3D_Slugs.id as bid
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1415036/More articles:Running Python script on PHP server - pythonupload zip file using HTTP POST via ActionScript 3.0 - httpHow to get JSON result after file upload via actionscript - jsonSetup for Visual Studio 2008, which opens MSDN help in a browser when you press F1 - visual-studioadding a javascript object to multiple arrays - javascriptAlternative to all_load in Xcode Other linker flags - iosNCurses: Why does init_color return OK but still haven't set a color? - xtermSQL: Split events into multiple lines - sqlFind all mongo queries using Spring data - spring-dataHow to get return value from Sql Server system message? - c #All Articles