Facebook comment block does not work on iPhone / Safari

I have a page integrated with the Facebook comment block (social plugin), which works fine in a desktop browser, but it doesn’t work when I use the iPhone to view the page, the “upload” to Facebook continues to be displayed, and there was no comment box, " Go out.

I am also tired:

  • Browse the same page on your Android phone, OK

  • Browse the same page with a third-party iphone browser (I use a QR code scanner browser), OK

  • Browse the same page with iphone safari, NOT OK

I found this error report on facebook in January, but did not respond: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/171818679588280?browse=search_4f26fb988bf8d0c61735624

Does anyone have an idea? Many thanks!

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2 answers

there is no iframe code for the comment plugin - html5 code works, but it does not resize for iphone, which causes a lot of layout problems. I used conditional css for iphone size: (you have to wrap the code in a div with the facebook-wrap class)

@media screen and (max-width: 460px) { .facebook-wrap iframe { width:300px!important; left:0!important; position:relative!important; max-width:100%; } .comments_wrap.section{padding:0} 

Use iframe code instead of javascript


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1415071/

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