How to clear all type X instances in ServiceStack Redis Client

I want to remove all instance of X from Redis Db for testing. But I could not find redisClient.As (). CLEAR () method? How can I delete all instances of X?

I can add X instances using

var client=new PooledRedisClientManager(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedisServer"]).GetClient(); X x=new X(); client.As<X>().Store(x); 

all x instances are added to Db as urn: X: pattern.

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3 answers

IRedisTypedClient implements a common IBasicPersistenceProvider <T> , which has a DeleteAll() method. So what you need is just:


For smaller removal options, you also have:

 client.As<T>().DeleteById(id); client.As<T>().DeleteByIds(ids); 

If you use the RedisNativeClient class, you have this method to delete a specific key:

  public int Del(string key) 

if you want to delete all the keys that you can call Del with * as a key

and you have these methods:

  public void FlushDb() public void FlushAll() 

if you are using the RedisClient class, you have this method:

  public bool Remove(string key) // Again i guess you can use the * for delete all keys 

client.As () DeleteAll () ;.

I think the name β€œDelete” refers to a relationship.

User.Cars.Remove ("Red Car")

If you want to delete the "Delete" object :)

Delete ("Red Car")

This does not work. I get a strange {"wrong number of arguments for the" del "command, sPort: 19570, LastCommand:"}.



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