I have a jQuery file to create a flip card effect, and I changed it to JSNI using the built-in function, but an error. I do not know what happened. Can anybody help me? This is my own function:
public native void flip() /*-{ $(document).ready(function () { $('#nav-list-example div div.back').hide().css('left', 0); function mySideChange(front) { if (front) { $(this).parent().find('div.front').show(); $(this).parent().find('div.back').hide(); } else { $(this).parent().find('div.front').hide(); $(this).parent().find('div.back').show(); } } $('#nav-list-example div').hover( function () { $(this).find('div').stop().rotate3Di('flip', 250, {direction: 'clockwise', sideChange: mySideChange}); }, function () { $(this).find('div').stop().rotate3Di('unflip', 500, {sideChange: mySideChange}); } ); }); }-*/;
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