I have a winform application written using vb2010.
I changed the winform language property of my application to German, for testing purposes only. I created the application, and in the \ bin \ debug folder a new \ de folder was created with the localized resource file "appname.resources.dll".
Then I returned the Language property (default) and Localize to FALSE and created the application again, but the \ de folder with its appname.resources.dll was created again. I controlled every form in my application, the setting "My project", nothing indicates any other culture. I deleted the entire \ debug folder, but after every build I always get the \ de subdirectory.
I cannot understand what has changed in my application now: why does the compiler create a localized resource if I return form properties?
I repeated the same thing for the new culture (Afrikaans) to detect any changes in the properties of the form: I did not find anything that could help me, but now I get two subfolders: \ de and \ af
Any suggestion? Thanks for answering.
Edit: solution found! In Solution Explorer, you must click all the files; then under the form (or forms) there is a file called "formname.de-DE.resx", this is the language resource file for the form "formname". You must manually delete this file manually to create a non-localized project.
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