Other answers to this thread will certainly work ... But adding cans directly to your CLASSPATH or command line can be a very complex development strategy.,
The most common, idiomatic way to include banners in the clojure app is Leiningen (a simple, one-step installation on github-begginers is to check the note at the end of this answer for a reservation). Leiningen can also install the clojure environment and run your repl for you, pre-loaded into the desired jar environment.
This, in essence, is a java dependency manager and a build tool rolled into one - for example, ivy or maven Pom.xml, which we use to develop java.
A few examples of how to use Leiningen to interact with multiple libraries in a simple and scalable way:
To start the replica so that the bans in the project.clj file are in the class path:
lein repl
To update the banners in your maven repo specified by your project.clj:
lein deps
Finally, the lane allows you to export "uberjars" that are akin to "fatjars", i.e. they have all the dependencies included in the kit for you.
A small update to the new version of Lein: Note for beginners.
There are two scripts you can run to install Leiningan, it might be safer to run this one:
https://github.com/jayunit100/leiningen/blob/stable/bin/lein ( stable version)
Instead of this:
https://raw.github.com/technomancy/leiningen/preview/bin/lein (latest update which is a preview).
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