PHP - MYSQL for ClientDataSet

I don't know much about Delphi / ClientDataSets, but I want to learn it. I have a question before I continue to determine if what I want to achieve is possible.

I want to use a PHP script to save dozens of subsets of my MYSQL database to CDS files once a week. Is there a file specification that I can use to create a CDS file? I will run the script on a shared website using Linux, so I don't think running Delphi scripts on the server is viable.


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Stackoverflow has a related question that includes partial XSD :

Anyone with a partial XSD that describes the METADATA XML section of the Delphi TClientDataSet files?

You can use this XSD and the XML library to create XML files from your data that are compatible with TCLientDataSet, so you can open them in a Delphi application.

I do not know the PHP XML libraries, but in many languages ​​XML libraries can generate XSD-based mapping code, which can then be used to read and write XML files based on a schema definition.



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