Cannot connect to SQL Azure using SQL Server Management Studio

I created the Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal, now I want to connect to it using SQL Server Management Studio. I set my properties as follows:

Server Type:Database Engine: Server Name:[mycred] Authentification: SQL Server Authentification username: myusername password: mypassword 

But when I try to connect to these properties, I get an error message:

When connecting to SQL Server, a network-related or specific instance error occurred. The server was not found or was unavailable. Verify that the instance name is correct and SQL Server is configured for a remote connection. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, error: 53)

While I set up a firewall in my Azure SQL Database. How to solve this problem?

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1 answer

Your request did not leave your computer, why it returns a network error. You may experience several problems and start with SQL Server Management Studio first. You must have SSMS R2 2008. Any version without R2 will not work.

The following is a list of tests that must be performed to resolve the problem and apply the solution:



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