I have something like a survey and I want users to choose one option from a set of answers to a specific question. Here is an example of what I'm talking about.
radio buttons [1]
This will help you if you use the html helper in your code:
@Html.RadioButton("rbGrp", "1", true )<label>Option 1</label> @Html.RadioButton("rbGrp", "2", false )<label>Option 2</label>
You can set the group name in input type format
<input type="radio" name='group1' value="Milk"> Milk <input type="radio" name='group1' value="Butter"> Butter
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1415336/More articles:Combining multiple sed commands - regexC # for rendering PDF files and OCRing received images? - c #Start animation when ContentControl.Content changes - c #IOS reads text from MS Word - ioscustom classloader for Android? - javagdb watchpoint for structure variables - linuxRadio buttons and flags grouped together MVC - htmlopencv Function CvBGStatModel - opencvHow to set readonly property of a text field in javascript - javascriptSVN export files changed from date or version (Windows svn.exe) - windowsAll Articles