One way to solve this problem is to continuously reduce the number of arrays one at a time, noting that
A 0 x times A 1 x A 2 = (A 0 x A 1 ) x A <sub> 2sub>
Therefore, you can write a function that calculates the Cartesian product of two arrays:
int[] cartesianProduct(int[] one, int[] two) { int[] result = new int[one.length * two.length]; int index = 0; for (int v1: one) { for (int v2: two) { result[index] = v1 * v2; index++; } } return result; }
Now you can use this function to combine pairs of arrays into one array containing a common Cartesian product. In pseudo code:
While there is more than one array left: Remove two arrays. Compute their Cartesian product. Add that array back into the list. Output the last array.
And, like actual Java:
Queue<int[]> worklist; while (worklist.size() > 1) { int[] first = worklist.remove(); int[] second = worklist.remove(); worklist.add(cartesianProduct(first, second)); } int[] result = worklist.remove();
The problem with this approach is that it uses memory proportional to the total number of elements you create. It can be a really huge amount! If you just want to print all the values ββone at a time without saving them, there is a more efficient approach. The idea is that you can start listing all the possible combinations of indices in different arrays, and then just multiply the values ββat these positions. One way to do this is to maintain an "index array", indicating that the next index to view. You can move from one index to the next by "increasing" the array in the same way as you increase the number. Here is the code for this:
int[] indexArray = new int[arrays.length]; mainLoop: while (true) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { result *= arrays[i][indexArray[i]] } System.out.println(result); int index = 0; while (true) { indexArray[index]++; if (indexArray[index] < arrays[i].length) break; indexArray[index] = 0; index ++; if (index == indexArray.length) break mainLoop; } }
In this case, only O (L) memory is used, where L is the number of arrays that you have, but give potentially exponentially many values.
Hope this helps!
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