create type t_row as object (a varchar2(10)); create type t_row_tab as table of t_row;
Now we will create a function that splits the input string.
create or replace function get_number(pv_no_list in varchar2) return t_row_tab is lv_no_list t_row_tab := t_row_tab(); begin for i in (SELECT distinct REGEXP_SUBSTR(pv_no_list, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) no_list FROM dual CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR(pv_no_list, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) loop lv_no_list.extend; lv_no_list(lv_no_list.last) := t_row(i.no_list); end loop; return lv_no_list; end get_number;
Once the function is in place, we can use the table clause of the sql operator to get the desired result. At will we received some values returned by function.
SQL> select * from table(get_number('1,2,3,4')); A ---------- 1 3 2 4
So, now our function just behaves like a table. There may be times when you want these comma separated values to be part of the "IN" clause.
For instance:
select * from dummy_table where dummy_column in ('1,2,3,4');
But the above request will not work, since "1,2,3,4" is a string, not separate numbers. To solve this problem, you can simply use the following query.
select * from dummy_table where dummy_column in ( select * from table(get_number('1,2,3,4')) );