How to read the value of a specific element from XElement in LINQ to XML

I have an XElement that has this kind of content.

 <Response xmlns="someurl" xmlnsLi="thew3url"> <ErrorCode></ErrorCode> <Status>Success</Status> <Result> <Manufacturer> <ManufacturerID>46</ManufacturerID> <ManufacturerName>APPLE</ManufacturerName> </Manufacturer> //More Manufacturer Elements like above here </Result> </Response> 

How do I read the value inside the Status element?

I tried XElement stats = myXel.Descendants("Status").SingleOrDefault(); But this returns null.

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3 answers
 XElement response = XElement.Load("file.xml"); // XElement.Parse(stringWithXmlGoesHere) XNamespace df = response.Name.Namespace; XElement status = response.Element(df + "Status"); 

should be enough to access the Status child. If you want the value of this element to be a string, for example,

 string status = (string)response.Element(df + "Status"); 

If myXel already an XElement response, then this will be:

 var status = myXel.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "Status").Single().Value; 

You need to use LocalName to ignore namespaces.


Some TextReader readers know that there will be more data soon, but not all characters are available right now. If you request 10 characters, and now only 4 characters are available, but the rest becomes available in a few seconds, then it might be wiser to return 4 available characters instead of waiting for all 10 characters.

An example is TextReader which buffers data from a serial port: it will be too slow to wait until all requested characters become available, therefore, it will return all characters that are already available right now.

You can see the difference between TextReader.Read(char[], int, int) and TextReader.ReadBlock(char[], int, int) in the description of the return value:


Returns: the number of characters read, or 0 if no data was read at the end of the stream. The number will be less than or equal to the count parameter, depending on whether data is available in the stream.


Returns: the number of characters that have been read. The number will be less than or equal to the number, depending on whether all input characters have been read.

If you ask TextReader Read 10 characters, Read will be allowed to return no more than 10 characters if the reader believes that you should not wait for all 10 characters. As long as the reader knows that there are still characters, he will wait for at least one character. If Read returns 4 bytes for reading, you do not know if the last character was read. Only if Read returns zero, do you know there is nothing more to read. This allows TextReader to return the characters that are available right now, without having to wait for all 10 characters to become available.

ReadBlock will wait until all 10 bytes are available (or EOF). Thus, a slow reader can block your process longer than you want.

To be sure that you have read all the characters, use 'Read repeatedly until you get a zero return; Use repeatedly until you get a zero return; Use ReadBlock' several times until you read fewer bytes than requested.



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