Celery Segmentation Error

What can I do when a process (celery worker) causes a segmentation error error? In my case, the problem occurs in celery, but I do not know how to find which module (used in tasks) has corrupted code. Link to additional information about the problem - https://github.com/ask/celery/issues/690 . In other words, the gdb command can provide useful information or other recipes to solve this problem.

Thank you for your responses.

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2 answers

This can help:

Install python-amqp package and remove python-librabbitmq

Ubuntu has the latest version of the python-librabbitmq 1.0.3 APT package, which is too older than the latest version (1.5.1). You can install the latest version of byp instead of apt-get:

sudo pip install -U librabbitmq 

I had a similar problem and it was resolved after deleting the .celerybeat file.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1415535/

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