What, if any, design patterns are useful in implementing custom record-level permissions?

I am implementing a web application using ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework using a repository template to access data. This application will have several unrelated users creating objects. Each user should have access only to their own objects.

Are there any EF templates or built-in functionalities that provide a way to provide user access only to their own records?

Currently I'm thinking of adding an owner field to all private domain objects and implementing a class to which all database queries should go. This class will determine if the requested domain object is private. If so, this class will add a filter to the owner in the request. Does that sound reasonable?

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1 answer

The second part of your question is very close to the description of the Repository template . This approach can be used to solve the problem of recording by recording by forcing user-specific filters.

This approach separates your client business logic from row-based security: if you later decide to change the way you record your records, all you need to change is to implement your repository. Customers do not even have to recompile.

EF defines the repository for all of your business objects as a partial class. You can add an interface on top of it (in a separate file) and implement the methods of your repository using the methods created by EF:

IMyRepository { IQueryable<ClientOrder> Orders; IQueryable<ServiceIssue> Issues; } // The other part of MyRepository is EF-generated. // Assume that EF provides properties these properties: // - ObjectSet<ClientOrder> AllOrders // - ObjectSet<ServiceIssue> AllIssues public partial SecureRepository : IMyRepository { private readonly Guid userId; public SecureRepository(Guid userId) : this() { this.userId = userId; } public IQueryable<ClientOrder> Orders { get { return AllOrders.Where(ord => ord.UserId == userId); } } public IQueryable<ServiceIssue> Issues { get { return AllIssues.Where(csi => csi.UserId == userId); } } } 

You can add write methods that set UserId for orders and problems before storing them in the database.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1415633/

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