I am working on regular (monthly) import of a large amount of data. During the conversion, I split the row into several columns, but this is not just a simple split. There is some logic that decides which part of the line goes into which field.
I wrote a built-in function that breaks a string into several parts and gives you the value at the specified index.
- string value
- Delimiter
- Index
If the string value is X4-728Z5-121-84gff
and you want the function to give you 121, you call the function as follows:
fn_MyFunc('X4-728Z5-121-84gff', '-', 3)
My problem is this:
In my imported query, the index that I need for a specific field value depends on the value in another index. If the value in index 1 = X4
, then I want index 3, otherwise index 4.
In one request, I call this function 4 or 5 times, depending on the result of some case statements.
The function basically does the same thing over and over ... but each time I get a different index. How can I reduce the effort, so that the hard work of splitting the string is done only once, and in the same query, I can easily get different indexes?
Keep in mind that this happens when importing data from an external source, and any answer suggesting normalization or indexed views etc. will not help.
I was asked to send my request:
SELECT ComplexString, CAST(fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 1) AS NVARCHAR(2)) AS LocationCode, CAST(fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 2) AS NVARCHAR(25)) AS CompanyCode, NULLIF(CASE WHEN fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 1) = 'R1' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 3) AS INT) END, 0) AS ManagementType, CASE WHEN fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 1) = 'R1' THEN CAST(fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 3) AS VARCHAR(25)) ELSE CAST(fn_MyFunc(ComplexString, '-', 4) AS NVARCHAR(25)) END AS Network, . . . FROM MyTable