I know that I will glow for it, but ....
I have a ProductA, ProductB, and ProductC table that have a very similar layout, but for 2 or 3 columns in each. Each table has an insert trigger that fires a repeating row for each insert in A, B, or C in Table Products, which is the union of all products. In addition, update triggers on A, B or C will also update their equivalent row in Table Products, as well as deleting triggers. All work flawlessly until ..... we update, say, the Products Column A table, which also exists in Tables A, B, and C.
I want to develop a trigger for Table products that will propagate this update in column A to column A in each of tables A, B, and C, but not trigger update triggers in tables A, B, and C. The required behavior is that updates work in both directions without an endless loop. (Note that only 2 columns in table products should be replicated BACK to tables A, B, and C)
- redesign the scheme so that this situation does not exist (not into cards, this is a quick decision, redesign can be done by someone else);
- Manually disable triggers when updating table products (all this is done at the application level, users will not be able to log into SSMA and disable triggers when updating the table of products);
- Come to the stack overflow and hope that someone has already encountered this problem!
Conceptually, how can this be done?
Update 6/7:
Here is the startup code in table A (for example):
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[GRSM_WETLANDS_Point_GIS_tbl_locations_update] ON [dbo].[GRSM_WETLANDS_POINT] after update AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; update dbo.TBL_LOCATIONS set X_Coord = i.X_Coord, Y_Coord = i.Y_Coord, PlaceName = i.PlaceName, FCSubtype = case when i.FCSubtype = 1 then 'Point: Too Small to Determin Boundary' when i.FCSubtype = 2 then 'Point: Boundary Determined by Contractor but not Surveyed' when i.FCSubtype = 3 then 'Point: Wetland Reported but not yet Surveyed' end , Landform = i.Landform from dbo.TBL_LOCATIONS Join inserted i on TBL_LOCATIONS.GIS_Location_ID = i.GIS_Location_ID end GO
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[GRSM_WETLANDS_POINT_GIS_tbl_locations] ON [dbo].[GRSM_WETLANDS_POINT] after INSERT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; INSERT dbo.TBL_LOCATIONS( X_Coord, Y_Coord, PlaceName, FCSubtype, Landform ) SELECT a.X_Coord, a.Y_Coord, a.PlaceName, a.FCSubtype, a.Landform From ( SELECT X_Coord, Y_Coord, PlaceName, FCSubtype = case when FCSubtype = 1 then 'Point: Too Small to Determin Boundary' when FCSubtype = 2 then 'Point: Boundary Determined by Contractor but not Surveyed' when FCSubtype = 3 then 'Point: Wetland Reported but not yet Surveyed' end , Landform FROM inserted ) AS a end GO
And here is the update trigger for desktop products that are currently disabled:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tbl_locations_updateto_geo] ON [dbo].[TBL_LOCATIONS] for update AS BEGIN --IF @@NESTLEVEL>1 RETURN SET NOCOUNT ON; update dbo.GRSM_Wetlands_Point set X_Coord = i.X_Coord, Y_Coord = i.Y_Coord, PlaceName = i.PlaceName, FCSubtype = i.FCSubtype, Landform = i.Landform, from dbo.TBL_LOCATIONS Join inserted i on TBL_LOCATIONS.GIS_Location_ID = i.GIS_Location_ID where TBL_LOCATIONS.FCSubtype = 'Polygon: Determination Made by GPS Survey' or TBL_LOCATIONS.FCSubtype = 'Polygon: Determination Derived from NWI' or TBL_LOCATIONS.FCSubtype = 'Polygon: Determination Made by Other Means' or TBL_LOCATIONS.FCSubtype = 'Polygon: Legal Jurisdictional Determination'; end GO
(tbl names changed to save publication text)