Wait for the Swing GUI to close before continuing.
I am writing an application that requires the user to enter some data into the Swing GUI, which the application will then use. After the user enters data, a graphical interface is no longer required, since the application will write some data to files.
The general idea is this:
launchGui(); closeGui(); continueWithComputation();
I understand that Swing uses several threads in the background, which I understand, so the program does not block until the GUI closes.
Is it possible to somehow expect the completion of the GUI (a single JFrame
closed with dispose()
) before continuing with continueWithComputation()
Is it possible to somehow wait for the GUI to complete (one JFrame is closed with dispose ()) before continuing with continueWithComput ()?
Add windowListener user actions
from code to calling
, then you can runcontinueWithComputation()
, you need to close this JVM onSystem.exit(0)
, otherwise it will remain in the RAM of the PC until the restart or power off
Wait for the Swing GUI to close before continuing.
Use a modal dialog. For more information, see the following:
- How to make dialogs
- How to use modality in dialogs
I just had a similar problem, but without closeGui()
and I got this relatively short piece of code using WindowListener and some Java synchronization:
AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean(false); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { synchronized(closed) { closed.set(true); closed.notify(); } super.windowClosed(e); } } ); frame.setVisible(true); synchronized(closed) { while (!closed.get()) { closed.wait(); } } // executes after the Frame has been disposed