Where to start learning Mojolicious?

I am new to Mojo ... I went through some of the wiki pages on a Mojolicious site , but I couldn’t understand a lot of things. The documentation seemed to be for those who already have a background with a Mojo framework.

So, I wonder if there is room for beginners?

Thanks in advance.

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2 answers

the mohokasts cited in tempire are a good start, I think the documents are a bit fragmented and prefer to dig the code of other projects ... Here you can find the code to read here https://github.com/kraih/mojo/wiki/Example- applications This is very good: https://github.com/tempire/MojoExample


Wikis are not necessarily trustworthy, as anyone can change it, and this is not always true.

Start with the Mohokast at http://mojocasts.com ; then go to the docs.

Documents are available for new users; just make sure you read the manuals in the order they are listed at http://mojolicio.us/perldoc .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1415981/

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