Using variable reasons for updating is very slow

I have the following query.

UPDATE t SET UnitsSold = sub.UnitsSold, FROM dbo.table1 t JOIN (SELECT s.CustomerKey, s.WeekKey, s.ProductKey, Sum(s.UnitsSold) AS [UnitsSold], FROM dbo.table2 s WHERE WeekKey >= 335 GROUP BY s.WeekKey, s.CustomerKey, s.ProductKey) AS sub ON sub.WeekKey = t.WeekKey AND sub.CustomerKey = t.CustomerKey AND sub.ProductKey = t.ProductKey 

He works as a champion. About 2 seconds. Then, when you try to make it dynamic using the following.

  DECLARE @StartWeekKey AS INT SET @StartWeekKey = 335 UPDATE t SET UnitsSold = sub.UnitsSold, FROM dbo.table1 t JOIN (SELECT s.CustomerKey, s.WeekKey, s.ProductKey, Sum(s.UnitsSold) AS [UnitsSold], FROM dbo.table2 s WHERE WeekKey >= @StartWeekKey GROUP BY s.WeekKey, s.CustomerKey, s.ProductKey) AS sub ON sub.WeekKey = t.WeekKey AND sub.CustomerKey = t.CustomerKey AND sub.ProductKey = t.ProductKey 

Suddenly, it is very slow.

any good ideas?

EDIT: Probalby should have mentioned this, but this is contained in the stored procedure.

The @StartWeekKey parameter has been added as a parameter for proc, and it returns to launch in a few seconds.

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2 answers

This question seems to have been asked several times earlier, and the general answer is that it is related to statistics.


 UPDATE STATISTICS table_or_indexed_view_name 

to update statistics and see does not matter.


This is not unheard of when different parameters have very different distributions, thus different good plans. It may happen that the request is executed for a given value, and then this plan will be cached and reused incorrectly for another value.

If so (just a hunch - I can't run your query to check!), Try adding:


until the end of the request.

Another thought: WeekKey is actually a int ? Is this some kind of mass type conversion problem?

I have no way to test them; if I'm miles away from the track let me know so that I can remove the useless answer.



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