In the package, I have a component that implements the ToolAPi interface IOTAIDENotifier. The package can be customized, compiled and displayed on the palette. The method of this component is designed to do something when the project that uses it is compiled (and not executed) ... for now, if everything is OK.
The problem appears later when I use this component in TForm, which belongs to another project. When I try to build it, I get a compiler message. File not found: ToolsAPI.dcu .
Here is the use of the package:
Uses {$IFDEF PACKAGESETUP} DesignIntf, DesignEditors,{$ENDIF} Classes, ToolsAPI;
PACKAGESETUP is determined only when compiling bpl
When I double-click the error message, the IDE opens a file from which a link to the ToolsAPI is declared ... How can I get rid of this problem?
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