I need help to figure out the situation with the web server regarding runtime. I noticed a problem when the server returns more characters than ~ 41000 - about 40 KB.
So I made a script:
<?php $php_start_time = MICROTIME(TRUE); echo $_GET['i'].':'; for($i=0;$i<=$_GET['i'];$i++) { echo 'a'; } echo '<br>runtime: '.(MICROTIME(TRUE) - $php_start_time); ?>
And I try, more than 10 times, several browsers:
when $ _GET ['i'] = 40952 I will bypass 0.013 ... ms
when $ _GET ['i'] = 40953 I will bypass 0.679 ... ms
difference 0.666 for only one char?
I saw that the runtime is very different when trying to get the page results from different places (online proxy).
So, I suppose this is related to distances. I am in the EU, the server is in the USA.
Until I find a way to fix this problem, the script is available at: http://selfreveal.com/speed_test_1.php?i=40953
Also phpinfo (): http://selfreveal.com/phpinfo.php
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