Play / Rewind Video at 2x 3x 4x Speed ​​- iPhone SDK

I want to play / forward videos to MPMoviePlayerController with different speeds. Can anyone suggest me how I do this.

Now I am doing fast forward (at the same speed), but after a few seconds it returns to normal speed.

Please offer.

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2 answers
MPMoviePlayerController Conforms to MPMediaPlayback protocol you can see the property currentPlaybackRate as :- @property(nonatomic) float currentPlaybackRate A value of 0 represents that the video is stopped , a value of 1 indicates normal speed and further positive values indicate increased speed while negative ones indicate reverse . 

Also check out your endseeking delegation method for MPMediaPlayback, as this is the only method that returns playback to normal


Here is the code for Forward and BackWard Movie as 2x 3x 4x for MPMoviePlayerViewController

In the .h file

 @property(nonatomic) float currentPlaybackRate; 

In the .m File

 - (void)viewDidLoad { currentPlaybackRate=1.0; //video Play in Normal speed } 

Now about the actions of the FastForward and FastBackward buttons

 [fastForward addTarget:self action:@selector(fastForward) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [fastBackWard addTarget:self action:@selector(fastBackward) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; 

Action code

 -(void)fastForward { [mp.moviePlayer pause]; playPauseButton.selected=TRUE; if (currentPlaybackRate < 0.0) { currentPlaybackRate = 1.0; } if (currentPlaybackRate < 4.0) { currentPlaybackRate=currentPlaybackRate+1.0; NSLog(@"Forward::%f",currentPlaybackRate); mp.moviePlayer.currentPlaybackRate=currentPlaybackRate; } } -(void)fastBackward { [mp.moviePlayer pause]; playPauseButton.selected=TRUE; if (currentPlaybackRate > 0.0) { currentPlaybackRate = 0.0; } if (currentPlaybackRate > -4.0) { currentPlaybackRate=currentPlaybackRate-1.0; NSLog(@"BackWard::%f",currentPlaybackRate); mp.moviePlayer.currentPlaybackRate=currentPlaybackRate; } } 


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