I am trying to run a mysql update request using select in it, but I am getting an error. Inquiry:
UPDATE keywords_stats_google_temp SET (Impressions_chg, Clicks_chg, AveragePosition_chg, Ctr_chg, AverageCpc_chg, CurrentMaxCpc_chg, FreeJoins_chg, PaidJoins_chg) = (SELECT SUM(Impressions) AS Impressions, SUM(Clicks) AS Clicks, SUM(Impressions*AveragePosition)/SUM(Impressions) AS AveragePosition, (SUM(Clicks)*revenue_price)/SUM(Impressions) AS Ctr, SUM(Spend)/SUM(Clicks) AS AverageCpc, CurrentMaxCpc, SUM(free_joins) AS FreeJoins, SUM(paid_joins) AS PaidJoins FROM (SELECT KeywordId FROM keywords_stats_google_temp) a JOIN keywords_stats_google_naughtymeetings b ON b.KeywordId = a.KeywordId WHERE b.TimePeriod >= '2012-04-01 00:00:00' AND b.TimePeriod <= '2012-04-23 00:00:00' GROUP BY a.KeywordId, MatchType)
But I only get "# 1064 - You have an error in the SQL syntax, check the manual that matches the version of your MySQL server for the correct syntax to use next" (Impressions_chg, Clicks_chg, AveragePosition_chg, Ctr_chg, AverageCpc_chg, Curr 'on line 1 "
Can anyone help me with this?
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