Gradle javadoc doclets. Could not find doclet

I'm new to Gradle, and I'm trying to use my document with myself and beauty with gradle. I performed the following task:

task myDoclet(type: Javadoc, dependsOn: myJavadocs) { source = sourceSets.main.allJava options.doclet = "com.myproject.webservice.doclets.Doclet2" classpath = configurations.compile } 

In doing so, I always become the following error:

 javadoc: error - Cannot find doclet class com.myproject.webservice.doclets.Doclet2 

I know that there is a path for options.doclet, it should be the path to my doclet (but ... src or class?), But I can’t understand what should I put there, due to the lack of explanation in the document

Can someone explain to me how I can set the path to the doclet correctly so that it finds my beautiful doclet?

Thank you for your time!

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1 answer

Docletpath specifies the path to the doclet launch class file. This can be the path to the jar (which contains the class file) or indicate the directory where the class file is located. See the javadoc documentation on the doclet class path at

hope this helps, Regards, Renee



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