I am trying to update selected values โ€‹โ€‹in an SQLite table column. I only want to update the cells in the main table where the criteria are met, and the cells must be updated to individual values โ€‹โ€‹taken from the subtable.

I tried the following syntax, but get only one cell update. I also tried alternatives where all cells are updated to the first selected subtable value.

UPDATE maintable SET value=(SELECT subtable.value FROM maintable, subtable WHERE maintable.key1=subtable.key1 AND maintable.key2=subtable.key2) WHERE EXISTS (SELECT subtable.value FROM maintable, subtable WHERE maintable.key1=subtable.key1 AND maintable.key2=subtable.key2) 

What is the appropriate syntax?

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4 answers

You can do this with update select , but you can only do one field at a time. It would be nice if Sqlite supported combining in update instructions, but it is not.

Here is a related SO question, How do I UPDATE from SELECT in SQL Server? but for SQL Server. There are similar answers there.

 sqlite> create table t1 (id int, value1 int); sqlite> insert into t1 values (1,0),(2,0); sqlite> select * from t1; 1|0 2|0 sqlite> create table t2 (id int, value2 int); sqlite> insert into t2 values (1,101),(2,102); sqlite> update t1 set value1 = (select value2 from t2 where = where t1.value1 = 0; sqlite> select * from t1; 1|101 2|102 

You need to use the INSERT OR REPLACE statement, for example:

Suppose the maintable has 4 columns: key, col2, col3, col4
and you want to update col3 with the appropriate value from the subtable

 INSERT OR REPLACE INTO maintable SELECT maintable.key, maintable.col2, subtable.value, maintable.col4 FROM maintable JOIN subtable ON subtable.key = maintable.key 

We can use with-clause + column-name-list + select-stmt from to do something like this:

 CREATE TABLE aa ( _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, a1 INTEGER, a2 INTEGER); INSERT INTO aa VALUES (1,10,20); INSERT INTO aa VALUES (2,-10,-20); --a bit unpleasant because we have to select manually each column and it just a lot to write WITH bb (_id,b1, b2) AS (SELECT _id,a1+2, a2+1 FROM aa) UPDATE aa SET a1=(SELECT b1 FROM bb WHERE bb._id=aa._id),a2=(SELECT b2 FROM bb WHERE bb._id=aa._id) WHERE a1<=1000 OR a2<=2000; --totally useless where clause but just so you don't update every row in aa by putting this where clause in the bb --soo now it should be (1,10,20)->(1,12,21) and (2,-10,-20)->(2,-8,-19), and it is SELECT * FROM aa; --even better with one select for each row! WITH bb (_id,b1, b2) AS (SELECT _id,a1+2, a2+1 from aa) UPDATE aa SET (_id,a1,a2)=(SELECT bb._id,b1,b2 FROM bb WHERE bb._id=aa._id) WHERE a1<=1000 OR a2<=2000; --totally useless where clause but just so you don't update every row in aa by putting this where clause in the bb --soo now it should be (1,12,21)->(1,14,22) and (2,-8,-19)->(2,-6,-18), and it is SELECT * FROM aa; --you can skip the with altogether UPDATE aa SET (_id,a1,a2)=(SELECT bb._id,bb.a1+2, bb.a2+1 FROM aa AS bb WHERE aa._id=bb._id) WHERE a1<=1000 OR a2<=2000; --totally useless where clause but just so you don't update every row in aa by putting this where clause in the bb --soo now it should be (1,14,22)->(1,16,23) and (2,-4,-17)->(2,-6,-18), and it is SELECT * FROM aa; 

I hope sqlite is smart enough not to perform step-by-step queries, but according to the documentation it is.


In this case, it updates only one value from subtable for each raw from maintable. The error is that subtable is included in the SELECT clause.

UPDATE maintable SET value = (SELECT subtable.value FROM THE SUBTITLE WHERE maintable.key1 = subtable.key1);



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