I am worried about the performance of the query below when the tables are full. While it is being developed and works well with dummy data.
The table "adress_zoo" will contain about 500 million records after full completion. The table "adress_zoo" looks like this:
CREATE TABLE `adress_zoo` ( `adress_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `zoo_id` int(11) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `pk` (`adress_id`,`zoo_id`), KEY `adress_id` (`adress_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
Other tables will contain a maximum of 500 records.
The full query looks like this:
SELECT a.* FROM jos_zoo_item AS a JOIN jos_zoo_search_index AS zsi2 ON zsi2.item_id = a.id WHERE a.id IN ( SELECT r.id FROM ( SELECT zi.id AS id, Max(zi.priority) as prio FROM jos_zoo_item AS zi JOIN jos_zoo_search_index AS zsi ON zsi.item_id = zi.id LEFT JOIN jos_zoo_tag AS zt ON zt.item_id = zi.id JOIN jos_zoo_category_item AS zci ON zci.item_id = zi.id **JOIN adress_zoo AS az ON az.zoo_id = zi.id** WHERE 1=1 AND ( (zci.category_id != 0 AND ( zt.name != 'prolong' OR zt.name is NULL)) OR (zci.category_id = 0 AND zt.name = 'prolong') ) AND zi.type = 'telefoni' AND zsi.element_id = '44d3b1fd-40f6-4fd7-9444-7e11643e2cef' AND zsi.value = 'Small' AND zci.category_id > 15 **AND az.adress_id = 5** GROUP BY zci.category_id ) AS r ) AND a.application_id = 6 AND a.access IN (1,1) AND a.state = 1 AND (a.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_up <= '2012-06-07 07:51:26') AND (a.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR a.publish_down >= '2012-06-07 07:51:26') AND zsi2.element_id = '1c3cd26e-666d-4f8f-a465-b74fffb4cb14' GROUP BY a.id ORDER BY zsi2.value ASC
A query usually returns about 25 records.
Based on my experience, will this request be acceptable (answer in 3 seconds)? What can I do to optimize this?
As @Jack advised, I ran the query using EXPLAIN and got the following:
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