Why store the username and password in Keychain in the iPhone app?

I worked with NSUserDefault , but this keychain concept is completely new to me.

I tried to find similar questions, but could not find the exact reason for this.

What I've done:

I already know how to store data in NSUserDefault . as well as the reason we should keep it.

As for the keychain, I just know that storing in the key chain stores data with some additional security by encoding the source text, and NSUserDefault stores the data in plain text. And it also saves data even after uninstalling the application.

Is this the only reason for storing data in the keychain?

Edit: I got this link that says exactly what I said.

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2 answers

Keychain data is more secure when comparing NSUserDefault. and keychain data also in the device after uninstalling the application from the device. For more information on the keychain shell, read this.


maybe LKKeychain can help:

The LKKeychain class is a tiny wrapper for keychain services. It provides:

Add Account Update Account Delete Account Dump (for debugging)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1416542/

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