How to open 2 windows file / project explorer in netbeans?

Is there a way to open 2 windows of files / projects in netbeans? I want one of these windows to point to one folder, and another window to point to another folder. When you have a lot of files, and you have to constantly switch between two folders, it becomes more and more unpleasant to scroll through them every time.

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5 answers

I did not find a way to open 2 project windows, but I put together a project and a window with a file in the same panel. Just open both windows and drag them halfway. You can also undock (swim) the windows and place them wherever you want.


The instructions given in opening-multiple-netbeans-ide-instances really work.

I tested it and worked as expected. You need to create a shortcut for towing different directories with the provision of the project directory.


Two open two instances of NetBeans, I double-click two program files in a row before NetBeans can start itself.


Let me explicitly add the “hack” mentioned by @Do_Nhu_Vy here (since I don’t trust third-party websites and I don’t have enough reputation to respond to his comments). All credit goes to the original WordPress user (Pandazen) at the specified link.

Now when

The hack / solution is to change the "userdir" of NetBeans at startup: when NetBeans detects a different "userdir" (than the already open Netbeans window), it then proceeds to open a new window.

The process of changing your NetBeans username at startup is simple:

  1. Create an empty user directory, for example:
      C: \ tmp 
  2. Duplicate an existing NetBeans shortcut (create a new one). Most likely, you will find a shortcut in the Windows Start directory
      C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ NetBeans " 
  3. Right-click on the newly created Netbeans shortcut and select "Properties",
  4. Change the "Target" field by adding the suffix --userdir DIRECTORY with the selected path, replacing DIRECTORY with the newly created empty directory. For instance:
      "C: \ Program Files \ NetBeans 8.2 \ bin \ netbeans64.exe" "--userdir C: \ tmp 

Now each shortcut will launch a NetBeans instance in a separate window. This works with NetBeans 8.2, but I have not tested it with NetBeans 9 or 10.



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