Android app keywords

I already added my application to the Google game, I used the Android development console and everything is correct.

But right now you can access my application using the name, but I would like to add a few keywords, and my application will easily appear.

How can i do this?

Thank you in advance

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3 answers

Google automatically selects a keyword from your app title and description. However, adding something like Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 to your description is considered a keyword for sending Google spam, especially if you add the title or developer name of a competing application. Instead, try to include your keywords in the description naturally.



I have exactly the same problem. I don’t understand what I'm doing wrong. The only way to show my application in the results is to use the exact name of the application. If I use only a partial string from the name, it will not appear in the results.


I suggest you choose the appropriate category for your application, if this is a riddle application, it would be better to choose a category of little things where users can easily access the yo product. I also agree with user1256477 that choosing the right keywords for words like a brain teaser will be some way.

Here is a link that may be helpful.

Do not forget to read the description of my application.


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