Svn checkout to viewvc link return URL error redirection

I am trying to do svn checkout the following: but I get the error: SVN: E195019 Redirect cycle detected for URL... 

I'm not quite sure if I should use the viewvc link to check svn, but on the viewvc page I could not find anything else to check. What am I doing wrong?

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2 answers

Thanks to Michael for being able to get an answer. Basically, viewvc URLs do not match SVN URLs and cannot be interpreted the same way. calling svn checkout with viewvc link will not work. All you have to do is change the link: to 

and svn should work as usual


unexpected redirection code: message C014: [13290049,13058] checkCaps error - 13290049 redirects to 13724791 - [13724791,13058] checkCaps error - 13724791 is inactive and the offer detects a redirect cycle detected on 13724791: 13724791-> 13290049


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