PHP Convert Exif GPS Data to Google-Friendly Values

I am trying to convert Exif longitude and latitude data to Google decimal. I read a lot of tutorials, but nothing seems to work for me. Perhaps I am completely mistaken.

I successfully get Exif data as follows:

$ exif_data = exif_read_data ($ path. '/user/images/4.jpg');

$egeoLong = $exif_data['GPSLongitude']; $egeoLat = $exif_data['GPSLatitude']; $egeoLongR = $exif_data['GPSLongitudeRef']; $egeoLatR = $exif_data['GPSLatitudeRef']; 

From there, I get the following array for the values:

 deg Long: 118/1 min Long: 2147/100 sec Long: 0/1 Longitude Ref: W deg Lat: 34/1 min Lat: 433/100 sec Lat: 0/1 Latitude Ref: N 

And I run them through this function to get the decimal value (I got this function here in Stackoverflow).

 $geoLong = gpsDecimal($egeoLong[0], $egeoLong[1], $egeoLong[2], $egeoLongR); $geoLat = gpsDecimal($egeoLat[0], $egeoLat[1], $egeoLat[2], $egeoLatR); function gpsDecimal($deg, $min, $sec, $hemi) { $d = $deg+((($min*60)+($sec))/3600); return ($hemi=='S' || $hemi=='W') ? $d*=-1 : $d; } 

Which returns the following ... which sets the coordinates in the middle of the ocean ... not where I took the picture.

Latitude: 41.216666666667 Longitude: -153.78333333333

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or is the best way to achieve this. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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2 answers

I found the same formula, and that didn't work either. What I finally figured out, and what worked for me, was:

 function toDecimal($deg, $min, $sec, $hem) { $d = $deg + ((($min/60) + ($sec/3600))/100); return ($hem=='S' || $hem=='W') ? $d*=-1 : $d; } 

I found that the best approximation (based on coordinates translated by google maps)

 $deg + ($min/60) + ($sec/36000000) 

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