OK I like comint mode in emacs, however I have a problem.
I need to connect to the linux embedded line through a serial line.
There are two ways to do this:
1) In principle, I can set up a serial putty session (specify serial dev, baud rate, etc. etc.), save the session, and then inside emacs (both on Linux and Windows), from the shell I I call plink "saved putty session name". This works great for comint. I can use my key bindings to access my story relatively well. The only thing I lose with this method is the completion of the command.
I believe I lost this because the line is not sent to the serial device until a line interrupt is detected. A tab that does not count as the end of a line is just in the buffer waiting to be sent. I tried to solve this problem by associating the character with the function "comint-send-input", but so far this has not worked for me.
2) I know that I can use the "sequential term" to bypass the putty and expand the tabs in the raw input mode, but at the same time I lose the ability to use history bindings.
I want both. I want to be able to use the history as I would on the shell, and at the same time I would like to have the tab completion on the serial target, as I get when using the raw character mode in "serial-terminal". Any help is appreciated.
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