Using a VI to replace the first occurrence / instance is pretty simple.
but here is my dataset in .csv / file format:
"","","2009/01/11_10:00"," What a great website" "","-","2009/03/22_00:00","Driving website" "","-","2009/03/22_00:00","Boating Website" "","","2009/04/27_00:00","What a good car website"
So, you will notice that there are 4 columns in the first row, this is an ideal line for the .csv format.
However, there are 4 columns in the second row, but the first column only accepts IP addresses and nothing else, so must be deleted or separated using ",". Csv delimter.
In vi, I was able to use the following:
which performs the following actions:
/ ^ "\ d {, 3}. \ d {, 3}. \ d {, 3}. \ d {, 3} / - Sets the binding to start the search by the first IP address using, for example, line 2:"
/ s /// "," / - replaces / at the end of the IP address and replaces it with the delimiter .csv ","
This works fine in VI / VIM, replacing exactly what I need one line at a time. However, the data set is much larger and manual, using the following search and replace vi, is time consuming. I am looking for a script for it or finding an alternative solution, because VI / VIM will only do one line at a time, the following: s / search / replace / g replaces everything / on the line, also changing the date column.
Obviously I tried the following:
Adding% for the whole file at the beginning of the substitution like this:
which highlights every entry I need to change, but errors:
E492: Not an editor command: /^"\d\{,3}\.\d\{,3}\.\d\{,3}\.\d\{,3}\//%s/\//
which is pretty confusing.
Ultimately, I would like to use sed / perl for the script to edit the entire file in one shot.
">" ","
The first occurrence in each line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.