First appearance on each line vi / vim / sed, etc.

Using a VI to replace the first occurrence / instance is pretty simple.


but here is my dataset in .csv / file format:

 "","","2009/01/11_10:00"," What a great website" "","-","2009/03/22_00:00","Driving website" "","-","2009/03/22_00:00","Boating Website" "","","2009/04/27_00:00","What a good car website" 

So, you will notice that there are 4 columns in the first row, this is an ideal line for the .csv format.

However, there are 4 columns in the second row, but the first column only accepts IP addresses and nothing else, so must be deleted or separated using ",". Csv delimter.

In vi, I was able to use the following:


which performs the following actions:

  • / ^ "\ d {, 3}. \ d {, 3}. \ d {, 3}. \ d {, 3} / - Sets the binding to start the search by the first IP address using, for example, line 2:"

  • / s /// "," / - replaces / at the end of the IP address and replaces it with the delimiter .csv ","

This works fine in VI / VIM, replacing exactly what I need one line at a time. However, the data set is much larger and manual, using the following search and replace vi, is time consuming. I am looking for a script for it or finding an alternative solution, because VI / VIM will only do one line at a time, the following: s / search / replace / g replaces everything / on the line, also changing the date column.

Obviously I tried the following:

Adding% for the whole file at the beginning of the substitution like this:


which highlights every entry I need to change, but errors:

  E492: Not an editor command: /^"\d\{,3}\.\d\{,3}\.\d\{,3}\.\d\{,3}\//%s/\// 

which is pretty confusing.

Ultimately, I would like to use sed / perl for the script to edit the entire file in one shot.


">" ","

The first occurrence in each line.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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3 answers

In ViM, try:


That is, instead of searching / replacing, I use the global one ( % is a shortcut to replace 1,$ ie from the first line to the last line). I moved your search pattern to a substitution pattern and captured the IP address and path in separate groups. Then replace them back, squeezing the "," between them.


In vi / vim, you can specify the search range that you want to replace. In this case, you want :%s replaced on all lines:


You can also specify:

 :2,5s/search/replace/g Replace on lines 2-5 :.,$s/search/replace/g Replace from current line (.) to last line ($) :.,+3s/search/replace/g Replace on the current line (.) and the two next lines (+3) :g/^asd/s/search/replace/g Replace on lines starting with 'asd'. 

You can then combine this with a simpler template to make the replacements you need throughout the file:


This will delete everything after the IP address from the first entry in the CSV.


This will split the first entry into the IP address and the remainder, although this will be done only for those lines where there is a slash after the IP address. What you tried to do was find the pattern, go to that line, and then replace. Adding "%" in this case invalidated the command.


You can do what you want with a simpler template:


These are: matching the beginning of a line, the beginning of a matching group: matching " , matching any number of characters that are not a slash, and not " closing a matching group, matching any number of characters that are not " and matching a " . Replace the contents of the match group plus a " .

The above template should be pretty simple for the script. Here is a Python example.

 #!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Usage: log_file_cleaner <input_file> <output_file>") sys.exit(1) pat = re.compile(r'^("[^/"]*)[^"]*"') with open(sys.argv[1]) as in_f, open(sys.argv[2], "w") as out_f: for line in in_f: line = re.sub(pat, r'\1"', line) out_f.write(line) 

Note: you need the latest version of Python to make one with , which makes two open() calls. If you are stuck in Cygwin, you can edit the above two nested with statements, each of which makes one call to open() .


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